
Release & Validation Management

Aligning your application with business needs

ERP Managed Operations ensure you are continuously improving and always compliant

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Maintain an always compliant state

As a Life Science company, you know that system compliance is one of your highest priorities. To maintain compliance and keep up with regular updates and enhancements, you need a team that can implement changes in controlled release process.

Ensure stability and minimize risk

For your ERP system to continuously meet industry requirements, it is important that operational actitivities follow best practices. With Epista, you can be confident that your team can implement changes in a controlled manner to help you maximize the benefits of your ERP system while also minimizing risk.

Enable enhanced validation & communication

Successful managed operations establishes proper documentation, validation processes, and communication channels. This means that you will be able to work with enhanced transparency, managable expectations, and increased clarity across buisness areas.

Typical release and validation process

Release & Validation services can include:

Release Planning and Design:

Get expert advisory on the development of your release strategy, planning, and design. This includes the creation of release plans and schedules and release alignment meetings.

Coordination and Stakeholder Management:

Based on the agreed plan, the Epista team with help coordinate the relevant stakeholders for each step of the process - ensuring everyone that needs to be aligned is involved.

Release Validation:

As releases become available, you can be assured that one of our specialists will validate the relevant release packages before implementation.

Production Release Management:

Once releases are validated and live, Epista will help to maintain service window plans and coordination, as well as DevOps maintanence and reporting.

Why let Epista handle your releases and validation?

  • Trust your application is stable & up-to-date
  • Ensure an always compliant and continously validated system
  • Gain knowledge of best practice processes
  • Understand system governance & control

Epista Life Science is a team of experts working to continuously improve compliance and business. We do this by pioneering new methodologies and implementing technologies to help Life Science companies balance risk and efficiency to achieve more. Our ERP team has years of both technical and industry experience to help you ensure your ERP system is always compliant and continuously validated.

Emmi Gesler Durig
Manager - ERP & Managed Operations

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